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Digitalloft - Link Relevance: How To Measure It & Make Sure Google’s Not Ignoring The Links You Earn

Brief info

Link Relevance: How To Measure It & Make Sure Google’s Not Ignoring The Links You Earn

James Brockbank

Level: Advanced
Key Takeaways

Relevance is the hottest topic in digital PR and link building right now, and no one can agree on what it actually means, let alone how best to measure it.

And whilst earning more relevant links than your competitors strongly correlates with top rankings, the reality is that too many links that are earned aren’t anywhere near as relevant as they need to be.

But what if you knew that links that aren’t relevant are being ignored by Google? Links that cost you thousands of pounds to earn?

You’d rethink your approach to what relevance actually means and focus your efforts (and budgets) on a strategy that delivers what actually drives growth and the links that positively impact organic growth.

But how do you actually measure relevance?

In this session, James will talk you through the process of conducting a relevance gap analysis for your site and its link profile using Natural Language Understanding.

By understanding the topics that search engines see your site as being relevant for, and those that every page that links to you is relevant for, you’re able to build a data-driven relevance gap.

See how relevant your link profile is to the topics you’re trying to rank for, spot the relevance gaps with competitors and be in a position to understand whether or not any link you earn is relevant… all backed by data.

● Why link relevance matters and why Google is probably ignoring lots of your site’s links.
● How link relevance can be measured objectively using NLP.
● How relevance gap insights can be used to develop a more impactful SEO strategy.

About James

James Brockbank is an experienced SEO professional and is the Managing Director & Founder at Digitaloft, a UK-based agency, and an experienced specialist in content-first SEO and digital PR.

With more than 14 years of experience in SEO, spanning both the technical and creative sides of the industry, and having spent the last nine years growing an agency at the forefront of the digital PR and content-led SEO space, James offers valuable insights into proven tactics and advocates for the importance of building a positive agency culture.

James has previously spoken at or written for events and publications including SMX, BrightonSEO, Pubcon, WordCamp, State of Search, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land and Semrush.