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Inhouse SEO strategies for succes

Brief info

Inhouse SEO strategies for succes

Ninna Stolarczyk, Nordea

Level: All
Key Takeaways

SEO success isn’t all about the depth of your expertise or years of experience. One of the most critical components in a successful SEO strategy in-house, is fostering collaboration and securing organizational support for your SEO strategies.

  • Nordea’s transformation from a one-woman SEO operation to an empowered in-house SEO team
  • Essential do’s and don’ts from her 14-year journey in the SEO industry
  • Actionable SEO strategies to inspire your efforts and drive measurable results
Om Ninna

Ninna Stolarczyk is a seasoned SEO specialist with over 14 years of experience in both agency and in-house roles. She currently serves as the Nordic SEO Lead at Nordea Bank, where she has built and now manages an in-house SEO department consisting of nine specialists. Ninna has worked across various industries and possesses deep expertise in SEO strategy and international projects.